The Raptor Gate Module is unique as it allows you to operate your gate with the use of our advanced Raptor Remote Control and wireless link the gate to a zone on the alarm panel.  This allows you to arm your gate when needed.


Bi-directional technology

Proprietary frequency

1 input/1 output


Immediate feedback on commands:

The Raptor Gate Module is able to receive signals from the Raptor remote control and send acknowledgment back to the remote control to let it know that its command has been received.  You will receive both visual (by means of an LED light) and audible (by means of a tome) feedback indicating whether the signal reached the receiver or not.

Know the status of your gate: 

The Raptor Gate Module has an input that can be connected to a gate contact enabling it to communicate the status of your gate (whether it's open or not) to your Rhino alarm panel and MiRhino app.

Know when your gate is being lifted off its rail

When you connect the module to a gate contact it will signal an alarm if your gate is ever lifted off its rail, when the alarm is armed.

Greater protection of signals:

All our wireless device signals are transmitted on a radio frequency that is not used by others.  This means that these signals are more resistant to jamming and interference.